Workshops — Managing Leads

Developing managers is essential for long term success across organizations. In an ever-changing business landscape, honing the leadership skills required to navigate through ambiguity, foster a continuous learning mindset and culture across teams will boost the strength in this important cohort of leaders.

Included Workshops

  • Resilience
  • Credible communication & story telling
  • Personal Brand & Executive Presence
  • Harnessing Social Capital
  • The value of connections
  • Authentic Leadership
  • Leveraging Power

Topics Covered

  • Self-awareness and Self-care
  • Connections and Purpose
  • Character
  • Contribution
  • Coping and Control

Desired Outcomes

  • How to realize Resilience during decision making?
  • Learn ways to build resilience as a daily habit.
  • Apply techniques of mindfulness for overall well being.


  • 4-6 Hours

Topics Covered

  • Building rapport,
  • Social Intelligence, Listening,
  • Story Telling Skills

Desired Outcomes

  • Listening skills
  • Communication techniques
  • Structure for story telling


  • 4

Topics Covered

  • Work from inside out
  • Body Language
  • Emotional composure
  • Communication
  • Dress for the part
  • Being Credible
  • Self Compassion

Desired Outcomes

  • Fundamentals about dressing
  • Presenting authentic persona
  • Power of communication


  • 4

Topics Covered

  • De coding shared values and shared identity
  • Value of community & Connections
  • Building the tact of reciprocity
  • Power of Authority

Desired Outcomes

  • how to cultivate social intelligence
  • Apply the knowledge to build relationships and create impact
  • Improve performance and own brand


  • 4

Topics Covered

  • Understanding needs and wants (self and others)
  • Empathy
  • Listening
  • Focus

Desired Outcomes

  • Strengthen business connections and advance own career
  • Build a knowledge network and positive emotional account
  • Platform to project strengths and own value proposition in an authentic way


  • 4

Topics Covered

  • Self Awareness & Acceptance
  • Sharpening the Purpose
  • Building connections
  • Compassion
  • Mindfulness

Desired Outcomes

  • Create a psychological safe place for self and team
  • Learn and apply techniques of balanced processing and relational transparency
  • Adopt techniques for emotional, physical and spiritual well being


  • 4

Topics Covered

  • Art of Listening
  • Constituents of power dynamics
  • Negotiation Skills
  • Narrative Impact skills

Desired Outcomes

  • Know how to influence decisions and be part of the solutioning through knowledge of power over vs power with
  • Be a part of the social power influencer group to drive change
  • Build strong partnerships as part of the advocacy process


  • 4

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