Workshops — Individual Contributors

Individual contributor roles are senior and specialized and not just limited to entry level roles. These specialized roles require several years of experience, developed skill sets, and subject matter expertise. They often collaborate across functions and teams, influencing others without having positional authority. These workshops are aimed to augment the leadership skills required in these roles.

Included Workshops

  • Resilience
  • Credible communication & story telling
  • Personal Brand & Executive Presence
  • Harnessing Social Capital

Topics Covered

  • Self-awareness and Self-care
  • Connections and Purpose
  • Character
  • Contribution
  • Coping and Control

Desired Outcomes

  • How to realize Resilience during decision making?
  • Learn ways to build resilience as a daily habit.
  • Apply techniques of mindfulness for overall well being.


  • 4-6 Hours

Topics Covered

  • Building rapport,
  • Social Intelligence, Listening,
  • Story Telling Skills

Desired Outcomes

  • Listening skills
  • Communication techniques
  • Structure for story telling


  • 4

Topics Covered

  • Work from inside out
  • Body Language
  • Emotional composure
  • Communication
  • Dress for the part
  • Being Credible
  • Self Compassion

Desired Outcomes

  • Fundamentals about dressing
  • Presenting authentic persona
  • Power of communication


  • 4

Topics Covered

  • De coding shared values and shared identity
  • Value of community & Connections
  • Building the tact of reciprocity
  • Power of Authority

Desired Outcomes

  • how to cultivate social intelligence
  • Apply the knowledge to build relationships and create impact
  • Improve performance and own brand


  • 4

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