Authentic Culture Building

Culture — a vast and inclusive word

In a volatile and ever-changing business context, what shapes and keeps an organization together is driven by its culture!

Admired organizations invest in living authentic values and building a cultural eco system that is psychologically safe for people.

Our clients find value in the way we define the culture pillars and behavioural indicators by studying the Organization Purpose, relationships, decision matrix and strategy.

  • Culture assessment tools
  • We analyze both implicit and explicit beliefs and attitudes held by an organization and practiced by employees. Our diagnostic outcome provides clarity to Organizations on the current vs the desired state. It provides perspectives on the culture constituents, what aspects need to be strengthened and sustained to enrich the employee experience, engagement, and deepen the association with cultural values and beliefs.
  • Bias Assessments
  • We adopt psychometric tools to present an objective assessment of the dimensions to evaluate biases, motivation and action orientation. It also allows the respondents to know more about self beliefs and stereotypes that shape expectations subconsciously.
  • Internal brand awareness
  • The process incudes a 360 degree approach of surveys and interviews of key personnel to identify strengths and opportunities how the company brand and its culture is perceived at different levels and further identify points of leakage with high adverse impact.
  • Culture Beliefs framework
  • Our work on culture beliefs is based on Hofstede’s model and Competing Value Framework (CVF). We do research based work to link personality, culture and organization which in turn influences strategy, structure and ethos. At the centre of cultural branding is a commitment to coninously create brand connection through meaningful, relatable stories. The work that we do with our clients is to create the storyboard the way employees, candidates and customers associate with.
  • Cultural assimilation learning journeys
  • These learning journeys are curated for assimilation of new joinees, refresher interventions for existing employees and targeted cohorts in Organization to drive consistency of cultural values and demonstrated behaviors
  • Change management integration
  • Language and choice of words drives sentiments when managing a change initiatve. We work with our clients to put together action plans that are commonly regarded as essential means to achieve adoption ease and acceptance during M&A and other people transformation interventions.