Capability Building

Its about the future

We do workshops in VILT/ in-person learning mode, across career levels namely, Individual Contributors, leading others, leading managers, and leading function/business. Customized interventions for specific cohorts are conducted to achieve specific goals and learning outcomes. This helps our clients to build leadership capabilities contextual to roles and career levels.

Masterclasses are open enrolment leadership series that we do customized to Regions – India, APAC, Middle East and USA. These are structured high impact 60 – 90 minute sessions for senior professionals across industry domains.

  • Assessments for learning goals & learning styles
  • Adult learning can be formal and informal in nature. The key element is to understand the nature of the learners and how know one take action to learn. The diagnostics is aimed to drive awareness about the learners’ current learning and where they choose to be and how formal and informal assessments allow learning approaches to be adapted.
  • Workshops
  • We do deep experiential learning workshops in certain themes & behavioral competencies that employees value across the leadership pipeline. The structure of these workshops incorporate case studies and exercises such that the learners are action oriented and own the learning outcomes to create purposeful habits.
  • Learning journeys
  • From the employee’s perspective, the learning journey acts as a master guide to enable learners through formal and informal learning, to sharpen their act by acquiring new skills and proficiencies.We design behavioral learning journeys (blended) based on personas, desired learning outcomes and how it integrates with performance measures. The effectiveness of this process is measured through feedback analysis and other relevant metrics.
  • Workshops
  • We do deep experiential learning workshops in certain themes & behavioral competencies that employees value across the leadership pipeline. The structure of these workshops incorporate case studies and exercises such that the learners are action oriented and own the learning outcomes to create purposeful habits.
  • Performance Coaching
  • The benefits through this coaching include the following and is applicable for individuals in self-employment, business/corporate environments and academics:
    • Shortening of ramp-up time in a new role or to help navigate a significant increase in responsibilities
    • Make tangible performance improvements through series of techniques that serve to accelerate individual potential
  • Personal brand building
  • This coaching helps individuals create a compelling image of self and unique personal style. The outcome is an enhancement/shift in personal brand through harnessing of client’s own experiences and potential. This involves deep discussions and an iterative process that augments:
    • The personal brand and aligns conscious intention and actions in an authentic way
    • Critical skills to create and sustain an impression of the truer version of himself/herself